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🗝 1 New drawing on the MYART page.
🗝 New entry on the BLOG page.
🗝 I added a few new stuff on the ABOUT page.
🗝 I fixed some things.
🗝 3 New drawings on the MYART page (2 for 2025 and 1 for 2024).
🗝 New entry on the BLOG page.
🗝 I finally wrote a webcomic rec on the OTHER page.
🗝 1 New drawing on the ARTDUMP page.
🗝 1 New drawing on the MYART page.
🗝 New entry on the BLOG page.
🗝 I changed the embed spotify song! I had the previous one for a very long time.
🗝 2 New drawings on the MYART page.
🗝 New entry on the BLOG page.
🗝 I changed the name of the website from konbie to anapolisis. I'll probably write a blog entry soon to explain why.
🗝I had to edit some pages to fix some links, please pay no mind.
🗝1 New drawing on the MYART page
🗝New update on the Ahoy! page
🗝2 New drawings on the ARTDUMP page.
🗝I put 2 new buttons on the OTHER page.
🗝New entry on the BLOG page
🗝I put a new link on the OTHER page
🗝2 New drawings on the ARTDUMP page.
🗝I did some small changes on the ABOUT page.
🗝New entry on the BLOG page
🗝1 New drawing on the MYART page.
🗝I made a new guestbook.
🗝I put a new banner on the index.
🗝 I (temporarily?) removed the reviews I did in the MEDIA page. Sorry to anyone who might miss them but the reason is that I'm currently too embarassed about my writing.
🗝 New update on the Ahoy! project page.
🗝 I made a "which character are you" type of quiz on uquiz,with my characters. Go take it!
🗝 1 New drawing on the MYART page.
🗝 New drawings on the ARTDUMP page.
🗝 2 New drawings on the MYART page
🗝 New (very small) update on the Ahoy! project page.
🗝 I fixed a small problem on the sitemap.
🗝 New entry on the BLOG page
🗝 New drawing on the MYART page
🗝 New update on the Ahoy! project page.
🗝 1 New drawing on the ARTDUMP page
🗝 I added new links on the OTHER page
🗝 2 New drawings on the MYART page
🗝 New entry on the MEDIA page
🗝 New update on the Ahoy! project page.
🗝 The 2023 Exhibition Of The Month Archive is now complete and will no longer be updated.
🗝 1 New drawing on MYART page
🗝 New update on the Ahoy! project page.
🗝 I made some changes to the SITEMAP.
🗝 New and Last Exhibit Of The Month.
🗝 1 New drawing on MYART page
🗝 New update on the Ahoy! project page.
🗝 1 New drawing on the ARTDUMP page.
🗝 New Exhibit Of The Month.
🗝 2 New drawings on MYART page
🗝 New update on the Ahoy! project page.
🗝 New BLOG entry.
🗝 1 New drawing on the ARTDUMP page.
🗝 New Exhibit Of The Month.
🗝 My first recommendation is up on the MEDIA page.
🗝 New unfinished ABOUT page.
🗝 1 New drawing on MYART page
🗝 1 New drawings on the ARTDUMP page.
🗝 New update on the Ahoy! project page.
🗝 New Exhibit Of The Month.
🗝 1 New drawing on the MYART page.
🗝 New blog entry.
🗝 3 New drawings on the ARTDUMP page.
🗝 New update on the Ahoy! project page.
🗝 New Exhibit Of The Month.
🗝 Small but noticeable changes on the homepage (there's music now and some new graphics).
🗝 2 New drawings on the MYART and page.
🗝 I made a sitemap.
🗝 Small changes on the Ahoy! PROJECTS page. A lot of things still look wacky and need fixing.
🗝 New Exhibit Of The Month.
🗝 I made some significant changes on the OTHER page.
🗝 New drawing on the MYART and the ARTDUMP pages.
🗝 I fixed some stuff that bothered me in the Ahoy! PROJECTS page, and I added one character.
🗝 New Exhibit Of The Month.
🗝 New drawings on the MYART page.
🗝 Huge update on the Ahoy! project. A lot tof things still look wacky, I'll fix them in the future.
🗝 New Exhibit Of The Month.
🗝 New drawings on the MYART page.
🗝 New Exhibit Of The Month.
🗝 I put 2 new character portraits on the cast of Ahoy! + 1 new piece on the gallery.
🗝 New dumb drawing on the ARTDUMP page.
🗝 New drawing on the MYART page.
🗝 New Exhibit Of The Month.
🗝 New drawing on the MYART page.
🗝 The ARTDUMP page is up.
🗝 New BLOG entry.
🗝 I put a drawing on the Ahoy! Gallery.
🗝 Several aesthetic changes on index.
🗝 Updated the Ahoy! project with new characters.
🗝 New BLOG entry.
🗝 I put a disclaimer on the ABOUT page.
🗝 I added the "Artwork Of The Month" box on index.
🗝 New drawing.
🗝 I remade the layout so that It looks better on wide screens.
🗝 I redrew most of the graphics.
🗝 For some reason the buttons on top don't fit horizontally. I'll fix them later.
🗝 I made the PROJECTS page prettier.
🗝 I put some drawings on the ARTDUMP page.
🗝 Added 2 new drawings on the GALLERY page.
🗝 I edited the Ahoy! project, previously known as Unnamed story project #1.
🗝 I added a project on the PROJECTS page.
🗝 My art is now on the GALLERY page and I made a page called ARTDUMP. Click on the "MY ART" button to view.
🗝 New BLOG entry.
🗝 New drawing.
🗝 New blog entry.
🗝 Added a guestbook link.
🗝 New drawing.
🗝 New blog entry.
🗝 Added 2 new site buttons.
🗝 Added 1 extra website link on the OTHER page.
🗝 Changed some aesthetic aspects on the OTHER page.
🗝 Added descriptions to the drawigs on the MY ART page.
🗝 New drawing on the MY ART page.
🗝 New blog entry.
🗝 Changed the background on the ABOUT page.
🗝 Added a button and music on the OTHER page.
🗝 New blog entry.
🗝 I put a logo I made on the ABOUT page.
🗝 I put a button wall on the OTHER page.
🗝 New blog entry.
🗝 I updated the ART page so it has art pieces I like more. Still heavily under construction.
🗝 New blog entry.
🗝 I made some small changes on the ABOUT page.
🗝 I altered this page to look better on bigger screen sizes.
🗝 I finished editing the BLOG page.
🗝 I improved the OTHER page.
🗝 I added the "tower" you see on the right.
🗝 I fixed some mistakes on the ABOUT page.
🗝 I added a few stuff on the OTHER page. It still is very incomplete.
🗝 I updated my ABOUT page. I still want to add more things but I'll try to update some other page first.
🗝 I added the flag counter on the right. And then I removed it. Making a good layout is very hard I must admit.
🗝 I fixed (sort of) the update log.
🗝 I added the fish-thing on the left.
🗝 I added an update log (as you can see).
It's not finished yet though.