ENTRIES August 2023-2025


27th of July 2023

Regarding the website,

  • I need to apologise for the ABOUT page! It’s been under construction for so long. I want to remake it completely and I’ve tried various layouts but my very limited coding abilities have let me down once again, none of them look right. I really need to change it soon, it looks so ugly and out of place in comparison to the rest of the pages.

  • I think the Ahoy! project is coming along nicely but I cringe with my writing quite a lot hnghh... I need to get better at it. Also I swear I have guy characters I just suck at designing men! They’ll have to wait.

  • I wish I had done more research before I picked my guestbook’s host. I can’t reply to entries and there’s little customization available. To make matters worse it discards entries that are over 100 days old. I'll se what I can do.

11th of February 2023

Today marks the 1st anniversary of this site!

To be honest, I created my neocities account on a whim, expecting that I'd lose motivation quickly and quit working on it after a while. But it's been a whole year and I'm still coming up with new things to add and I look forward to updating it as often as I can. I also get to check other websites daily and the community is very friendly and helpful, I'm very happy. My previous attempts at using the web as a creator weren't so successful.

I used Amino to post art in high school, which was childish and quite a mess (it was friendly towards beginner artists so at least it had that going for me) and I moved to instagram afterwards, which to this day is very, very hard for me to understand and navigate. I think the last part is easy to tell lol, I've been there for 2 years and a half and I have amassed *checks phone really quick* the amount of 27 followers.

Nevertheless, the main reason I still use it is to see what artists I like make, but even that is becoming harder and harder to do. With every post I look I get like 3 ads in my feed plus it keeps showing posts unrelated to my interests all the time. The reels, as many others before me have pointed out, are the worst. I guess they're good for making jokes or edits but they're not useful for artists I believe, in any way. I don't want to watch 10 second speedpaints or "before and after" clips. Just show me a drawing I can stare at...

1st of February 2023

I wanted to make another photo blog entry (it’s been so long since the last time). I haven’t been to any cool places lately to take new pictures, so I'm showing these that are almost 1 year old:

On a more personal note:

  • I miraculously managed to pass my driving test! Finally!
  • I forgot that today was hourly comic day (as I’m writing this it’s 11:30pm in my timezone, and I remembered it almost an hour ago... Today was uneventful so I don’t think I’d participate either way.
  • 30th of October 2022

    I went to the place.

    You've got to believe me when I say that the colours of these were incredibly vibrant. My phone camera didn't do them justice.

    Sadly it isn't allowed to take photos of several exhibits, including the kore style statues which are my faves :( . That was not the case for the caryatid columns, surprisingly.

    29th Of September 2022

    I haven’t mentioned it but I’m a uni student (I study civil engineering, which has nothing to do with anything on this site lmao) and next week my third year of enrollment begins. I won’t be as active as I was these past few months.

    I’m leaving this to do list here so as to pressure myself to actually do these at one point:

  • Fix the ABOUT page or redo it completely
  • Add webcomic recs on the OTHER page
  • Work on the PROJECTS page
  • Make logos for the pages that don’t have one already
  • 17th Of September 2022

    I began taking driving lessons a couple of weeks ago. In some rare moments, I find myself enjoying the process of learning but most of the time I’m stressed out because I mess up constantly. I troubles me even more when I consider that other students who have taken more or less the same number of lessons as me show much more progress…It’s a good thing that the driving instructor is understanding and patient.

    And now that I have some experience I can’t actually conceive that so many people around the world know how to drive! It’s so hard! It requires so much multi-thinking. How do they do it daily and not die it’s beyond me. How do we even trust people with cars…


    Unrelated but the other day I found this double teabag in those Lipton boxes that I buy:

    Is this common? It hasn’t occurred to me before.

    9th Of September 2022

    Photos I took at an another museum last month. These aren't as interesting as the previous ones to be honest.

    christian grave curses were a thing apparently

    obsessed with him

    22nd Of August 2022

    Note: Originally, I wanted this page to be dedicated entirely to reviews of media (mostly books, comics and movies) but I changed my mind quickly after realising that, I'm not that good at writing them lol. I also don't read that much, plus I know next to nothing about films etc. Still, I want to give it a shot in this blog format. Be lenient, I'm still learning how to write.


    Book Review: "The Sweetest Dream" by Doris Lessing

    A few months ago I finished reading "The Sweetest Dream" by Doris Lessing, the only work I've read of hers. To simplify its plot as much as humanly possible, it's about a single mother in UK raising her sons and her ex's stepdaughter while having to involuntarily take care of the friends they bring over too. The beginning of the story is set in the early 60's.

    I had mixed feelings about the book while reading it. Now that I've finished it, I can say that it was worth the read and that I truly enjoyed it but some aspects of it were... questionable. My biggest complaint (and as I see on the web many others agree) is that how all the communists or anyone who has any sort of progressive ideology whatsoever in the story are portrayed as absolute idiots, at best. There are definitely people like that in real life but it's so cheap to write every leftist character as this stupid caricature.

    Also it's important to mention that, in about the half of it ,the main protagonist, the setting and the story changes. It really confused me when I got there, it felt as if I was reading a completely different- and in my opinion less interesting- book.

    Despite these issues, as I mentioned before I did actually ended up liking it. Its style of writing is beautiful! And I found many of its characters very interesting and I loved seeing them grow, with Rose being my fave (who perhaps is the most awful out of them all too lol ). I recommend it if you want something relaxing but also pretty nuanced.

    11th Of August 2022

    I have a couple of issues with the flag counter on the front page. First, all 10 visitors that are shown to be from Greece, are actually me ( I don't think it comes as a surprise to anyone tbh), 'cause I look at my site almost daily. I allowed a cookie that supposedly ignores visits by my browser but it doesn't work for some reason.

    Also I wish it'd only count unique visits too but I think I need to pay for flag counter pro so it can do that.

    Despite these problems I don't think I'm going remove it any time soon, it looks nice as part of the clock tower, plus it's fun collecting the different country flags.

    ~smooth subject change~

    In good news, dungeon meshi is getting an anime adaptation! I'm so excited... This and the release of third season of mob psycho 100 on October have me screaming.

    4th Of August 2022

    Photos of museum exhibits I took last Saturday:

    obsessed with him

    we weren't allowed to get in there ↑ or there ↓ for obvious reasons

    sorry if you expected insightful commentary on the pieces, truth to be told I barely know anything about history or archaelogy, I just like cool looking stuff

    2nd Of August 2022

    My first entry! This page is not exactly a diary, because I don't feel comfortable writing about personal stuff but I'm going to post photos and random stuff once in a while here.