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ENTRIES August 2022-2023


6th of February 2025

Hourly Comics Day 2025

I'm showing here the Hourlies I did on February 1st. Unrelated but I also want to state that in less than a week this website will be celebrating its 3rd anniversary :'). Let's see for how long I can keep this up!

6th of January 2025

Some of my thoughts on webcomics

After more than a year's worth of procrastination, I finally added one (1) webcomic rec on the OTHER page. I've realized that the main reasons why it took me so long to even start doing that segment (apart from my chronic laziness) are the following:

    1. I've outgrown a lot of webcomics. I can't recommend things that I no longer enjoy, and the things I was interested in at 15 are no longer the same things I like now, who would have thought.

    2. The great majority of webcomics I kept up with have been discontinued, and for good reasons. Making a comic page or two every week for years just to tell one story for no profit (or even readers in many cases) isn't realistic, no matter how passionate you are. The reasons webcomic creators usually list for giving up their projects are: burnout, having a full-time job and other real life responsibilities, not getting any feedback and lack of interest on their behalf.

    3. Webcomics in general are in decline, I think. Hiveworks doesn't host any new titles, SmackJeeves no longer exists and nobody uses Tapas anymore. Webtoon has become popular in recent years, but I haven't found there anything yet that suits my interests. Also personally I dislike the scrolling format, I like reading comic pages.

Anyway, I'm grateful for what webcomics provided to me in my teen years, for free no less. They made me appreciate independent artists and take drawing/writing more seriously. I also miss having an update to look forward to every day of the week...

1st of December 2024

No way another photo dump

Photos and commentary from a museum I visited in the past.

These are figurines from the pre-hellenic Cycladic culture. I'm not sure how well-known it's outside of Greece, check this article and this wikipedia page for some context.

This is the only one ever found with a snake head! And it's tiny! Curious.

The rest below are from different periods and places.


This doesn't answer anything...

19th of October 2024

I still don't know how to draw a Mohr's Circle.

At last, the 5th -and final if it all goes smoothly- year of my undergrad studies has arrived. I'm now working on my thesis, which is exciting for sure, but mostly scary to be honest I hope I don't mess this up. Last year ended up going pretty well though, it was easier than I expected. I also got to pick some courses that have to do with transportation engineering, (and in this semester all the courses I'm taking are transportation related too!) which is the field I'd like to work in. There are not that many jobs that have to do with it in Greece, especially compared to other fields in civil engineering like construction engineering, and they're significantly less well-paying too. Oh well, I'll make do.

By the way, as of late I changed my website's name from konbie to anapolisis. I've been thinking of doing it for a long time now, because konbie is my pen name/online persona and it's not something I want as my website's title, I want it to be it's own thing. I hope this makes sense. This is an issue for the artist webring I'm in, I'll see what I can do. I also need to re-do my home page's banner hmm...

16th of August 2024

Extra Info About The Ahoy Project, PART II

Captain DeChézy is from Marseille and she was actually born into wealth but her parents lost their fortunes when she was just a baby. She has been working in the maritime industry in one way or another since she was 13! It's all she knows. She has been through some extremely dangerous situations while on board (fires, pirate attacks, hurricanes, shipwrecks and so on) throughout the years but she genuinely enjoys her job and she wants to buy a sailboat of her own when she retires. Her first name is a sssecret (it's not anything shocking, but she doesn't want her subordinates to know so as to keep things professional.) She takes great pride in being a captain.

C/M Manning is from a small coastal town in Louisiana and she worked in the commercial fishing sector there until she changed her mind (in her late 20s probably?) and became a merchant mariner. She's of Irish, English and Cajun descent and full name is Ruth Eugenia Manning. I think of her as someone who is too concerned with being liked by everyone for her own good. She and DeChézy have worked multiple times in the past and they get each other pretty well. They often hang out in their free time and the Campos sisters sometimes tag along with them too.

Ch. Engineer Campos -first name Josefa- and Flavia are from the Northeast region of Brazil. Josefa was a gifted student in STEM subjects and dreamt of studying mechanical engineering when she was little. Due to circumstances, she wasn't able to pursue that in adulthood and settled for less by becoming an engine officer. She likes her job though and she encouranged her less talented than her sister to follow her path too, so they can be close and work together. They're mainly of amerindian, portuguese and italian ancestry.

This counts as a spoiler I suppose: Flavia is a siren (the avian kind) and only her and Josefa know. She can change her form at her will. Why is she a siren and her biological sister is not? Does it have any plot significance? Who knows. Certainly not me, the writer, who just wanted to put a siren in the mix.

3rd of July 2024

Extra Info About The Ahoy Project, PART I

Note: I feel sort of bad for not updating my blog, so I thought I might share some information about the Ahoy! project even though this is perhaps not the appropriate page to do so. Anyways, I hope this is interesting to some.

In my head Ahoy! would ideally be 80% newspaper comic strip type of gags and 20% a comic with actual plot and perhaps even character development. I've thought up backgrounds for most of the characters, but I fear I might be taking the pure joy of stupid comedy away from this project by making them more complicated. Either way, here they are:

Leni is from rural Laconia. She has 5 siblings: two younger, two older and one twin sister. She used to herd sheep and grow crops for a living before she became a mariner. She picked up the guitar the moment she first went on board and has been practising ever since. She's not by any means good and she doesn't know many songs due to her isolated upbringing, but she learns as time passes. Her actual given name is Lemonia!

Dian is Javanese, probably from East Java and she is an only child. She was raised by her grandfather because her parents passed away when she was really young. She was the kind of child (and she still is the kind of adult) who would bring snakes and other wild animals to her grandpa and ask him if they could keep them. I haven't decided yet about what she was doing before she became a mariner but I know she wanted to become one so as to experience an adventure of sorts.

Marta is from Panama City and a city gal in every way. She was a straight A+ in humanities back when she was in school and now she is a university student who took a gap year to make money (so she can support her writing, as it says on her bio). It takes her a long time to be able to manage the physical aspect of her job, because of how unathletic she is (PE was her lowest grade in school). She has two older siblings. Her middle name is Rocío.

9th of February 2024

In two days it will be the 2nd anniversary of this site!

Last year to celebrate the occasion I made a blog entry in which I expressed my gratitude toward neocities and its community. I also complained a fair amount about Instagram and my inability to do anything of value there.

My love for neocities and non-commercial websites in general still holds up and so I managed to make an update around every start of the month! A lot of things are still incomplete or in need to be fixed, but I’m really proud of how my website is so far. The Ahoy! page is now full of things to read and look at, I made a museum-like corner with 12 entries and I made lots of drawings in 2023 I like. My only issues are that I made very few blog entries last year and that my writing on the media page is bad. Writing is still a massive obstacle to me but I think I’m getting slowly better at it as time passes.

Now that I’ve grown on Instagram considerably compared to last year, that blog entry I made back then about having a small following feels very petty. There is an enormous amount of artists om the internet. Even if social media was perfect for posting art (and it did everything artists complain about on those threads advertisements I’ve been getting) it’d be impossible for everyone to get the attention they want. It’s even stupider to ask for that in my case, considering how I don’t take this with enough seriousness to begin with (I don’t make reels, I don’t draw things that are popular, I don’t follow many people, I am not skilled at art enough, etc).

Honestly, if you are a hobbyist like me, having a handful of people who care about your art is all you need. I get very sweet comments now and then and I somehow managed to become mutuals with incredible artists.

Anyway, thank you tagging along and hats off to another year!

28th of September 2023

This October marks the start of my 4th year at uni, as hard as that is to believe. It’s not my final one (five years are mandatory for the thing I study here) but it feels weird. In my head I graduated from high school, like, yesterday.

Last year had me begging for my life academically-wise so I really, REALLY hope that this year will be easier, or I become somehow more hardworking. Also, I’ll be having two professors I dislike plus one I can’t stand at all this semester so I don’t know how I will get to endure their lectures. The only good thing is that there are no laboratory classes as far as I’m aware.

It's been a while since the last time I showed photos btw so I'm putting these old ones from a trip here.

The french made a board game about the greek revolution while it was stil going on. Classic french shenanigans.